Brock University Embezzlement and Research Laundering

December 6th, 2024 - This tweet explains Edwards use of Rankin Cancer Run & NHL. Also keep in mind that AG Rob Nicholson who appointed Edwards as a judge, had his daughter hired by Leafs Kyle Dubas.

(Quick Update January 26th 2024 - Originally published March 31st 2018) 

Additional details at Medicine Gone Bad main page blog Finale: Medicine Gone Bad, So Bad.


What can you do with an illegal power of attorney, and a court proceeding, that's hidden from the subject? Basically anything! That's what happened to me, after living out of my car for 3 of 4 years.

To understand what conspired against me, you have to understand the professional environment  that engulfed me during that time:

David Edwards (my Jehovah sister rented across from their home), cleverly combined his Family Law skills with the Cunningham family (President of CPSO / Son was lead researcher at Ontario Problem Gambling Research Agency / daughter TVO documentary producer). Take note that the OPGRC was Brock University's largest research sponsor at the time in 2001, in which Simon Williams and Christine Tardif-Williams were Brock grads completing their PhD at the U of T.

Simon Williams (who I knew since he was 15 - high school / college), was also working for Brock PSY Dr. Nancy Johnston; psychiatrist husband Ronald was in charge of the St. Catharines hospital psych ward. In September 2001 immediately after my "schizo" diagnosis, Simon's wife Christine started teaching at Brock University.

My mothers home in 2001, was situated almost directly across Don Crocock ( NRP Police son), whose father was Ex-President St. Catharines Police Association & the Ontario Police Association. Also 3 blocks away from her was family home Brock PSY Katharine Somogyvari, who lived a about a block away from Tony Toneatto family home.

PSY Tony Toneatto (his Asian wife also a PSY), is great friends with the Cunninghams and also worked at the OPGRC; receiving exorbitant research funding from the unaudited agency. Tony also works at the U of T with John Cunningham, where Simon Williams & Christine were completing their PhD's (Edwards son Brett later joined them at the U of T while in the history dept.).

Sometime in 2001, Simon & Christine collaborated on a paper with Andrew Dane (also OPGRC researcher), who was also the source for the illegal research being brought into Brock University. Andrew also worked closely with the Cunninghams and Lisa Root (also OPGRC since 2000). Lisa worked at St. Catharines Problem Gambling Program (now CASON), whose boss was CEO Shaun Baylis. Lisa was first contact for myself after dealing with my mother & sister previously.

Shaun Baylis divorced and then married his mistress Katharine Somogyvari; both moved almost next door to the Edwards new home; close to the new St. Catharines General Hospital future location (Edwards was a real estate lawyer too).

The Dujlovic family on Croydon Dr. lived 3 blocks from Mary Ann Edwards family home, and they also lived few houses down from the "Father of the NRP Police Force" Ted Johnson. NRP Drug Unit Joe Maggiolo also fits into the equation, as his family is from Guelph (like the Cunninghams / Andrew Danes recently married Italian wife).

This is just a brief summary of what I was facing in 2001. As you can see, Edwards cumulated all the professional agencies / institutions (along with their funding), into an unprecedented research vehicle, while empowering himself (+family) in St. Catharines.

To revisit the question of "What can you do with an illegal power of attorney, and a court proceeding, that's hidden from the subject?", consider that the court hearing was pre-determined / fabricated. The judge (friends with David Edwards / possibly family by marriage), would of had had a blank court order, in which he fulfilled requests from the research group via the Expert Witness testimony of Dr. Graeme Cunningham (President of CPSO). 

Since I would never have access to a court (shuffled between psych wards and fabricated doctor / police reports), the judge had no worries for repercussions (2001 internet in it's infancy). Research group now had a legal mandate for 12 Step Program / CBT Therapy / Play Therapy. 

Basically in 2001, the research group pulled off an air-tight scam in an 'anything goes intervention" / life span studies. Ronald Johnston diagnosed me as "schizo" for the Mental Health Act (lock me up anytime via mental illness / bypass courts). BTW, Tony Toneatto of OPGRC research papers on the relationships of "Schizophrenia and gambling addictions", which would compliment John Cunnigham's U of T PhD on Experimental Therapy.

One last point in this intro: The person who outed me in 2001 "worked" with Bono that Spring. That person then came to St. Catharines few months after my schizo diagnosis in Fall 2001, and DJ'd every Friday Night throughout the 2002 summer in Port Dalhousie (old Port Mansion bar); it provided them with liability protection. This is what fueled Edwards, was the enormous funding that Bono was going to commit too, making him very wealthy and powerful.  Edwards son Brett "volunteered" at the TIFF festival in 2011 where Bono was the guest star. 

Details on the person who outed me will follow, including their impressive family medical connections (which I was not aware).

In order to explain to you what the research scammers pulled on me, I had to first show how it was orchestrated medically and legally (including police). Next will be the dots so that they can be all connected together, as shown partially below.

Additional details at Medicine Gone Bad main page blog Finale: Medicine Gone Bad, So Bad.

Edwards post updated August 18th, 2022:

The Honourable David L. Edwards Superior Court of Justice Welland Ontario


Below are a few points worth mentioning:

David Edwards weaponized Privacy Laws to conceal illegal research laundering / scandal, and embezzlement of Brock University finances.

I finally I have solved the whole research scandal, with accompanying proof that I could post right now. It's basically a race of revealing all the info, versus the research group silencing me. The two blogs are a kinda messy (this plus "Medicine Gone Bad"), that need updates. My choice was to post what I discovered in unconnected form (puzzle like), or keep everything until I solved the scandal (dangerous to say the least and eliminate scrutiny of the participants).

My Feb 7th 2017 tweet revealed the confirmation of the Cunninghams connection (McMaster University). Basically it was "McMaster Psychiatrist Gayle Bigelow's brother lives behind us".

The Cunninghams were gifted OPGRC (gambling research), in their hometown Guelph; unaudited government agency funded by the booming casino profits. John Cunningham (PhD Experimental Psychology), was OPGRC's lead researcher. OPGRC was also Brock University's largest sponsor for research in 2001.

Cunninghams used the unaudited OPGRC to initially fund the research on myself (2001), and then Brock University took over, with the opening of the Lifespan Building in 2007 (Huge cash influx - Mary Ann Edwards "retired").

Dr. Graeme Cunningham was an alcoholic and self proclaimed "scumbag"; he was also the President of the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario during 2001, and an addiction specialist at Homewood Health (selling 12 Step Program Videos on eBay).

I had tweeted previously regarding the Cunninghams involvement, so this was huge!!!!!!

Note that this OPGRC grant tweet below, was only 5 days before the fabricated charges (BrockU / NRP Sam Brefo). I discovered Psychiatrist Gayle Bigelow's brother living behind us, only a couple days later. So how much more proof do you need? I have more.

This is WHY NRP Police Chief Jeff McGuire abruptly quit (resigned / fired), and received a secret MILLION dollar payout (his boy NRP Sam Brefo). Also why Mayor Sendzik played dumb and tried to protect himself (Lisa Panetta / Root transferred to Niagara Region Social Assistance Manager from CEO Cason Addictions 2018; Cunninghams so good to her financially).

This OPGRC grant tweet. also confirms the huge amount of money that was being thrown around by the Cunninghams (who ran OPGRC); especially Andrew Dane & Lisa Panetta (aka Lisa Root). John Cunningham (Lead OPGRC Researcher / Experimental Psychology PhD), received enormous amounts of grants, but interestingly was separate from those two.

As I tweeted the info (discovered couple days earlier), I realizing that this info could cost me a trip to the Psych Ward again (reestablish that I am "schizo / retarded" for liability). Sure enough, I was taken to the Psych ward after the tweet (couple of hours), but the NRP Police didn't know of the tweet beforehand.

The following cover-up was HUGE as well (McGuire Million dollar payoff), without the Mayor Sendzik intervening (Edwards boy). 

David Edwards weaponized Privacy Laws to conceal illegal research laundering / scandal, and embezzlement of Brock University finances. 

Basically, it was a secret court (I was omitted in 2001), that endorsed experimental therapy (Brock); my crazy mother / sister designated as guardians approved (cash / gifts), in an illegal POA constructed by Edwards. Privacy laws were then used against me to block access to these documents. 

illegal POA constructed by Edwards. Privacy laws were then used against me to block access to these documents

The NRP Police were used as threats and escorts to the psych ward. For good measure, I was iagnosed as "schizo" in the hospital ER clinic by a Brock spouse / husband psychiatrist. Ronald Johnston ran the psych ward at the hospital; use of the psych wards bypassed any court hearings, which nullifying any rights that I may have.

If anyone wised up and tried to intervene / investigate, Edwards would setup a meeting with my sister / mother (+Dujlovic family Ed / Barbara), to rationalize this scam. 

Research also included the largest ever attempt of CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy); it's a fraud like the psychology profession. This is why time and time again, we were moved to the new home, and surrounded by those that would support and protect research group (Somma, Police relatives Gorksi, Psychiatrist Bigelow bro, Edwards teaching across street, Alyssa Minicucci @ Brock Campus Security, Simon Williams & Christine Tardif-Williams daughter Simone enrolled private school, ...). The research group stripped me of all my rights; hence controlled environment (details to follow).

There is obviously a lot more, but that is the gist of it. 19 years later, here we are ....

The updates to this blog will vary in detail; created a "What's New" at bottom of this update; examples:

  • Bret Edwards deleted his Twitter "face" profile, blocked me shortly after Xmas 2019 and set account private
  • Bret Edwards also deleted his LinkedIn account (his BONO connection 2011 TIFF Festival)
  • Bret Edwards NEVER tweeted or any other Twitter promotion of the Rankin Cancer Run,  to avoid bringing about attention (so I wouldn't find him)
  • BrockU Nancy Johnston's psychiatrist husband diagnosed me with "schizo' in hospital ER room / ran hospital Psych Ward, their daughter is a teacher; works with the Edwards Rankin Cancer Run
  • Welland Justice Alphonse T. Lacavera died few weeks after I outed him
  • Two weeks later Luigino Minicucci died (lives next block); obituary confirms Alyssa Minicucci @ Brock Campus Security is related
  • Simon Williams & Christine Tardif-Williams daughter Simone enrolled private school (Wheatley at $13 K per year); seven blocks from me
  • Jen McGuire last Tweet 3 weeks after Brefo fabricated charge (Feb 07 2017), and she deleted her LinkedIn after I outed her
  • I was looking for a connection of NRP Sam Brefo / Chief McGuire / Edwards / Maggiolo's daughter Lauren, and found it - Brefo attended Brock in 2006 (Mary Ann Edwards retired in 2007 for her "charity" as government MILLIONS poured into Brock's Lifespan building); 2004 Brefo was a senior at @LoyolaHawksOak where Jen McGuire was a freshman at @HolyTrinityOak in Oakville; Catholic basketball division rivals
  •  Mistress / wife Katharine Somogyvari  of CEO Pathstone Mental Health Shaun Baylis (Edwards neighbor), was in same classes as Simon Williams and Christine Tardif-Williams; also taught by Nancy Johnston
  • There was so much money available at OPGRC (casino profits / government grants), and Brock University (Lifespan Building)
  • AG of Canada Rob Nicholson's daughter Cindy, hired by Kyle Dubas Maple Leafs GM; appears Dubas was a big favorite with the Edwards as we will find out, and returned the favor; Nicholson appointed Edwards judge
  • Cindy Nicholson wrote an article (deleted - I copied it), on how to get a job with a professional sports team (Leafs), without mentioning her daddy is the AG of Canada
  • Rob Nicholson also went back into politics in 2004, same year as Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart lied on my case conclusion (didn't state "who" blocked my medical records, "why" they were blocked), or explained the status and details of the infamous "Section 28" of the Privacy Act; what I wasn't supposed to know for "my best interest".
  • Rob Nicholson could protect Jennifer Stoddart, both based in Ottawa
  • NRP Chief MacCulloch Dad lives 7 blocks away
  • Edwards Law Firm Partner Leanne Standryk is a major player; former Brock Prof (worked w/Nancy Johnston and also her daughter at #RankinCancerRun), recently elevated to Judge to protect the Edwards; she ALSO has no children (only by marriage) - see more on Twitter
  • As updated on Twitter, Tont Toneatto (major player w/ Cunninghams), provides Cunninghams with liability protection for St. Catharines activity:
Tony Toneatto (Italian & works at U of T w/ Cunninghams) is from St. Catharines (Mom died from alcoholism) & has worked intimately w/ Cunninghams for DECADES including OPGRC💰(@GREOntario), @MacPsychiatry, also as Director @HomewoodHC ⚫️You GOTTA READ his 💰Endless Bio💰

Tweets from a new Twiiter account:

8 weeks after outed Secret Judge
Alphonse Lacavera (July 1 Tweet
) he died
2 Weeks later Luigino Minicucci (4 houses down) died (
) Confirmed Grandfather Brock Campus Security
Alyssa Minicucc

2001 BrockU Johnstons ran hospital Psych Ward / Diagnosed me "schizo" invoking Mental Health Act
Purple circle
Johnstons daughter works Rankin Cancer Run - Moved same street as Mary Ann Edwards mother

BTW, see below about proof of existence of the illegal "Power of Attorney" in Note 2. Also it's not the question of "Why" NRP Police Surveillance Michael Pataran is collecting full-time pay from NRP Police and Brock Campus Security, but "Who" knows and why didn't anyone do something about it? No one knew until I posted about it.


Lisa Panetta (AKA Lisa Root) Helping Mayor Sendzik & Herself (Cunninghams / OPGRC Research Funds)

March 30th 20201: 3 weeks after I outed Mayor Sendzik on my twitter (Feb 23 / 2021), Niagara Region Social Services contacted me for the first time in almost 2 years. I returned / left a message to correspond with an email first (hard copy / documentation):


Smith, Robyn <**********>
Tue, Mar 16, 9:29 AM
to me

Good morning, 

I would like to touch base with you seeing as we have not spoken before.  I am the casemanager who has taken over for Kim Cull as she has switched positions ... (conntinued)

Significance Niagara Region Services? You will see soon!

Lisa Panetta (AKA Lisa Root who's boss was Shaun Baylis), originally met with me just prior to the "schizo" diagnosis scam 2001 (Brock spouse psychiatrist Johnston); Lisa met my mother / sister in 2001 and she was relocated to Niagara Region of Public Health May 2018. Significance of this is also huge (month before Mayor Sendzik & Brefo 3X3 July 2018).

Additional details to follow (social assistance / welfare rental payments for mother ~ $400 month), plus caseworker Kimberly Cull (deleted her Twitter & LinkedIn after I created a blog post for her). Kimberly Cull lives 4 blocks from me! Incredible liability protection for Lisa Panetta (AKA Lisa Root), as they transferred Kimberly into addictions at Niagara Region 2019 (Manager Lisa Panetta). As noted before, Lisa Panetta obtained hundred's of thousands of dollars at OPGRC (Gambling Research in Guelph, run by Cunninghams).

At the bottom of this Cukier post link, provides an image of the research grants Lisa Root was getting; last one 2007 when Brock Lifespan building opens (huge unaudited cash influx at Brock). In another image, Lisa is also mentioned on a document that my Jehovah sister filled out (1st time the NRP Police escorted me to the hospital 2001):

The "Wendy Cukier" post also has an image of an outside security camera, across our dinning room table, with  BrockU Johnston's husband / Psychiatrist 2001 "schizo" diagnosis. It was 2016 then, and  I haven't yet discovered the NRP Drug unit was crammed into Brock Campus Security, or the NRP Maggiolo / Pataran connections. I was just grasping at straws, in order to get people to consider / contemplate the non-stop "coincidences" and abnormality of this whole story (example Federal Government blocking access to my medical records 2001). To be clear, that camera is NOT part of the NRP Drug unit technical expertise; Google their technical expertise / equipment & sophistication.

BTW Lisa Panetta (aka Lisa Root) is Italian, like NRP Police Joe Maggiolo (charge Edwards / #BrockU Lifespan surveillance & Police intimidation). She is from Welland like Italian Judge Alphonse Lacavera & worked w/ Cunninghams. Her boss was Shaun Baylis (now Edwards neighbor). Basically, she was the perfect pick in 2001 as the first contact, in this research scandal.

Lisa is obviously very close with Mayor Sendzik and his family (Shaun Baylis / Edwards), with Mayor's wife / niece working at Brock University. She even attended courses at Brock in 2016 (liability protection). Here is her LinkedIn account, which omits her gambling research background worth 100's of thousands of dollars (compliments Cunninghams):

Kimberly Cull lives 4 blocks from me! Incredible liability protection for Lisa Panetta (AKA Lisa Root)

Niagara Region 2019 (Manager Lisa Panetta)
Twitter Link

Lisa Panetta obtained hundred's of thousands of dollars at OPGRC (Gambling Research in Guelph, run by Cunninghams)
Twitter Link

As you can see in the image below (yellow line), that's what Lisa did to me with my mother & sister. When I visited her the first time, I brought the house landscaping pictures to show here (completed while I was living out of my car). She said that "I already saw them with your mother & sister". This was also pre-planned because of the illegal POA in 2001 ruling (Secret Court = I was excluded)

Dealing with the family members can be very profitable technique.

It allows the psychologist to evaluate / exploit who has the financial resources (my mother / sister DEFINITELY did not), and "who is" and "is not" on the psychologist's side. Since psychologists are NOT recognized by OHIP as medical practitioners, they have to rely on health insurance plans. This is why children are pursued as their top clientele (parents insurance); adults won't pay for these services unless they have company health insurance (ex. Green Shield paid for by from GM).

Psychologists have reinvented themselves again, as labeling themselves as a "Psychotherapist" and implementing "CBT" (Cognitive behavior Therapy). CBT is suited more for depression and anxiety; might be effective after 5-20 expensive appointments, with a strong possibility of relapse within a year. CBT lacks the ability for more complex mental health needs or learning difficulties.

So the choice is $120 hour w/ a psychologist, or $40 more with a medical certified doctor (psychiatrist), that can prescribe medications for immediate needs (anxiety / depression); no-brainer!

"Psychologists aren't physicians and can't prescribe medication, so they aren't covered by OHIP. But they are registered health professionals, and private health insurance often covers at least a portion of their services. There are also counsellors and therapists, who may have a background in social work."

I lived out of my car for 3 of 4 years (worked @ 300 different companies mostly temp), and landscaped my mother's home from "Gothic" to "Miami" during that "year off". I did the renovation to do something positive and also to make my mother less crazy to the neighbors. I did everything for about $1300 (including eavestroughs), which increased the house value by about 15K.

PhotoHold Twitter Images all open in a separate window of "before" and "after" landscaped house:

The worst part of the landscaping was dealing with my mother; when I finished I went back to living in my car and working in GTA / Toronto temp jobs (end 2000). It was early 2001 and the Edwards (sister rented across from them), caught wind of my situation. Edwards realized that they could make a lot of money off of me, and convinced my mother / sister (w/ Dujlovic persuasion), of "selling" me for experimental research. Mother received new cars, upgraded home (with over 80K improvements), house paid in full, tax benefits, welfare payments, gifts, and cash totaling well over 250 K so far.

The research started in March / April when the research group was "off" for summer; about 6 months prior to my "schizo' diagnosis at the Hospital ER Room by Brock Psychiatrist spouse (Nancy / Ronald Johnston). Simon Williams & Christine Tardif-Williams were both studying at Brock under Nancy Johnston, and Simon worked for her (clinical analysis), at Nancy's home office by Brock.

This Brefo charge also displayed how they can lock me up anytime with false accusations (liability protection), without identifying the accusers or witnesses; as per blacked out names in police report I received. Note that I had to request the Police charge to see what it was (mailed out Sept 17 2017); it was the first time I did that.

The Police charge was also payback for outing Simon Williams (I have know since 15), with his untreated sexual abuse and his sexual abuse allegations. Since Simon was the "star" of the secret court peddling the false narrative of "cognitive distortion", it would have been humiliating for the Edwards / research group; liability for the involved NRP Police who decided not to interview me.

What I didn't realize (no info), was that Police Chief McGuire was involved. His daughter went to Brock University 2008 (same year as Mayor's niece), and worked on the Brock Championship basketball team (2008) that included - yup NRP Police Sam Brefo. It was also NRP Chief McGuire that hired Brefo in 2013.

Obvious now was that NRP Joe Maggiolo handpicked McGuire for the successor role of NRP Police Chief with Edwards approval. McGuire wasn't even a Deputy Chief but an "Acting" one. Why was it important for Joe Maggiolo? Will explain soon (VERY important).

To McGuire's horror, it now meant that I had enough info (Cunninghams tweet Feb 7th 2017 and previously), reveal his involvement in concealing the Life Span Research at Brock. 

As you will soon see, how they tried to cover it up with McGuire getting a Million Dollar payout; confused everyone (Privacy Act / confidentiality agreement), on whether he was fired or retired. McGuire watched Wendy Cukier get a nice secret (confidential) payoff after I outed her in this post:

McGuire wanted out with pay; Edwards and Mayor Sendzik obliged. Surprise! Surprise! - Somma family is in the thick of it (liability for Mayor). There is obviously a lot more to post, and you can check my twitter feeds for updates.

Take note that I originally constructed the blog with individuals that I knew were involved, suspected involvement, and some with a unknown quality. My goal was to keep the blog proactive as much as possible (scrutiny), rather then becoming stagnant; some posts will be edited / updated / created and some will be deleted soon.

Some Examples:

Mayor Walter Sendzik's niece Samantha Sendzik post will be created:
  • Samantha started @ Brock 2008 w/ NRP Police Chief McGuire daughter Jen
  • Moved into PathstoneMH CEO Shaun Baylis building, who is Edwards neighbor
  • Works with Monique Somma over past decade & Christine Tardif-Williams

PSY Sid Segalowitz Director Brock University @LifespanStudies will be updated:
  • Sid and his brother worked with Brock University Ex-President Jack Lightstone & Dorothy Markiewicz in 1990's at Concordia Montreal 
  • Sid was rewarded with Founding Director Brock Lifespan Research after Edwards handpicked Lightstone & his wife as Brock President
  • Was involved w/ Lifespan Research since 2007 (+Shaun Baylis 2001)
  • Sid worked with CPSO President Dr. Graeme Cunningham's children at unaudited Gambling Research in 2007 (OPGRC now @GREOntario)
  • Sid would be responsible for allocating research funds without any audit; easily redirect to research group.
  • Sid Brock dept. now collaborates with Pathstone CEO Shaun Baylis in child research

Alphonse Lacavera Ontario Court of Justice post will be edited:
  • He died ~8 weeks after I outed him
Catharine Pelletier Brock Campus Security BA Psychology post will be deleted:
  • Post will be merged with another Blog entry as an interesting "FYI"

Honorable mention is Kristen Gorski & Natalie Kudumija who both started Brock in 2010 and overlapped McGuire / Sendzik (2008), with Monique Somma working her part-time PHD for years (Brock Life Span liability / Christine Tardif-Williams).

2010 was also a HUGE turning point (as previously mentioned in Twitter), as I started to blog in 2009 (Medicine Gone Bad). Jude also relocated to Toronto.

Note: I generally leave Xmas decorations on all year round (what's remaining), as a friendly reminder to:
  • J. Gorski behind us (was janitor at St. Alfred Church & School - now T.A. @ St. Alfred)
  • Antonio Somma who regularly goes to St. Alfred Church every Sunday (like Gorski family - "God Bless" these crooked families)
  • Somma twins (Lora & Linda) also were at Brock in 2001; Linda's husband works at Ford like my nephew & a neighbor behind us; more about them soon.

My nephew at 16, "volunteered" at St. Alfred Church "Out of the Cold" program for homeless. Impressive consider he did nothing around the house; Mary Ann Edwards also "volunteered". Nephew was going to Laura Secord HS (+ Martina Kudumija), across from us; Edwards family teaches there.

After we were moved in 2003, Nephews 1st job was at Sobeys (neighbor worked there / cashier); one block from Edwards previous home on Maplewood Drive. He started Laura Secord HS at 13 (grade 9); Edwards (= Predovich) family teaches there.

Secret Court (If I am not present because of mental health claims): 

If I am deemed "schizo / retarded" (2017 police report), then I am legally excused from any court hearings (mother / sister = Guardians / POA). Edwards (family law & real estate lawyer), knows that if I am not aware of the court hearing, how can I ever challenge it?

In 2001, this technique allowed Edwards to present anything he wanted (including fabrication), for any court rulings. It would also allow to have "experts" like Simon Williams diagnose myself as suffering from "Cognitive Distortion" (which he did over a 5 minute telephone call in Toronto, after I told him I was living out of my car / gambling related). 

Cognitive Distortion is a fancy way of stating that one's mental state has become developed an unhealthy thinking pattern (being always negative / expecting worst in each situation). I can  tell you that this doesn't justify Life Span Research, unless you (Edwards) try to add in gambling as the addiction "12 Step Program" and throw in "Play Therapy" for my crazy / stupid mother & sister. See what they did?

The "Cognitive Distortion" diagnosis would stick in this kangaroo court set up by Edwards; experimental therapy is now passed by the crooked Welland Judge Alphonse Lacavera (Brock University designated as the main resource, now controlled by Edwards; hence Life Span Research).  

On Feb 7 2017, I was not told of this serious charge (post soon / a lot new info), because NRP Sam Brefo fabricated the Police report (never spoke with me). It was a ploy for my crazy / stupid mother and nut job Jehovah sister to go to the Justice of the Peace (as instructed "without me", means it was a "secret" court), and they signed to have me committed. This secret court technique was used in 2001 (without my knowledge / participation), for submitting me to this experimental therapy; validate the PSY (Psychology) profession with "CBT / Play Therapy/ 12 Step Program". Niagara Region has become a hotbed of wannabe Dr.s (Psychologists), pushing CBT.

My Jehovah sister started cleaning Barbara Dujlovic's home since 2007 (Life Span Building opens / Psychiatrist Gayle Bigelow incorporates herself = A LOT Money!). The psychology profession is about manipulating children and my Jehovah sister is a moron; they weaponized her against me, including filling out fraudulent tax benefits, disability, hospital, and welfare forms, and changing our home address on Tax disability form (so mail deemed undeliverable). The result was that I couldn't receive notification and challenge the disability / fraudulent claims, as I did with the Privacy Commissioner 2001.

Note 1: 

Tax disability form came to my attention (tweet image further below), on my electronic Income Tax account first time I accessed it. I hadn't realized one existed before because it was submitted without my knowledge and consent. Sister changed the mailing address (as seen in image), so that I wouldn't know about it in correspondence mail (as in 2001 when I tried to retrieve disability application and blocked by government). Significance is that Dr. Wong submitted the medical form without my consent, and as the Income Tax supervisor told me "Only way Dr. can do that is with a "Power of Attorney" = Confirms one exists!

Note 2: 

Privacy Commissioner (Jennifer Stoddart), never told me "Who" and "Why" my medical records were blocked in 2001, in it's conclusion letter.

My Jehovah sister is named Trustee of the house when my mother dies; ensures research group that she will have me locked up whenever they want; PSY moron!

What's New:

Basically a lot (too much post / will update slowly):

  • Welland Justice Alphonse T. Lacavera died few weeks after I outed him
  • Two weeks later Luigino Minicucci died (lives next block); obituary confirms Alyssa Minicucci @ Brock Campus Security is related
  • Italian / Welland neighbor besides us moved
  • New neighbors waited until end September to move in (7 weeks), since I outed the Judge July 1st
  • Discovery of NRP Police Sam Brefo being Brock Boy 2008 Champioship team
  • Chief McGuire's daughter deletes her LinkedIn after I outed her (worked w/ Brefo @ Brock)
  • McGuire got paid off (Million), after the fabricated charge with Brefo (he hired)
  • Mayor Sendzik is REALLY close with Edwards (never intervened to halt Million $ payoff)
  • Sendzik family connections with Somma / Brock / Pathstone / Edwards 
  • Lisa Panetta (Lisa Root), had caseworker Kimberly Cull (lives couple blocks from me), transfer to Addictions at Niagara Region w/ Lisa. Case was opened after the fabricated charge (Brefo)
  • Kimberly deleted her Twitter / LinkedIn after I created a blog post on her 
  • Robert Somma very busy w/ Mayor & Edwards Balsom's
  • Bret Edwards deleted his Twitter "face" profile, blocked me shortly after Xmas 2019 and set account private
  • Bret Edwards also deleted his LinkedIn account (his BONO connection 2011 TIFF)
  • Bret Edwards NEVER tweeted or any other Twitter promotion of the Rankin Cancer Run,  to avoid bringing about attention (so I wouldn't find him)
  • BrockU Nancy Johnston's psychiatrist husband diagnosed me with "schizo' in hospital ER room / ran hospital Psych Ward, their daughter is a teacher; works with the Edwards Rankin Cancer Run
  • Lisa Panetta's mother retired from Niagara College; may have been a teacher or admin
  • Simon Williams & Christine Tardif-Williams daughter Simone enrolled private school (Wheatley at $13 K per year); seven blocks from me
  • Jen McGuire last Tweet 3 weeks after Brefo fabricated charge (Feb 07 2017), and she deleted her LinkedIn after I outed her
  • I was looking for a connection of NRP Sam Brefo / Chief McGuire / Edwards  / Maggiolo's daughter Lauren, and found it - Brefo attended Brock in 2006 (Mary Ann Edwards retired in 2007 for her "charity"); 2004 Brefo was a senior at @LoyolaHawksOak where Jen McGuire was a freshman at @HolyTrinityOak in Oakville; Catholic basketball division rivals 
This is just the tip of the iceberg; like I said, it's worth Millions!

****March 12, Updated April 12th, 2021****


I haven't updated in almost 2 years; partly because of the amount of new information, and secondly, I didn't have proof of the illegal Power Of Attorney (proof is now documented in my twitter account Prostatitis @Epididymitis_ ).

I will start updating posts with the current date, so you can check recent activity at the top of the blog. This post will always be on top, and I will identify newer writings with this written date format:    **** September 15th 2020 ****

Scandal in a nutshell:
  • David Edwards ran scandal like Mob Boss no electronic / paper trail (neighbor Shaun Baylis)
  • Research disguised Intervention (family / friends / neighbors) w/ data backchanneled BrockU (Research Laundering)
  • Utilized / embezzled Brock's enormous resources (used as a bartering tool to compensate participants)
  • Implement fraudulent "Play Therapy / 12 Step Program / CBT" to validate the Psychology PSY profession
  • Privacy Act Section 28 & crooked secret judge that approved this BrockU "Experimental Psychology", protected this fraudulent therapy / participants from being held liable; failure (anything happened to me), would have been blamed on the subject; perfect foolproof scam, or in poker they call it a "Freeroll" 
  • The secret court ruling also allowed unaudited funding for research; basically a license to steal. Edwards appointed Jack Lightstone & his wife as Brock president, then Wendy Cukier (resigned after I outed her)
  • The judges ruling is unprecedented and very illegal; that's why it's been protected by the Privacy Commissioner Stoddart / locking me up in psych ward as I unraveled this scam
  • After researching judges in 2001 (Welland / St. Catharines), that Edwards would have selected,  Justice Alphonse T. Lacavera stands out (Welland, Italian, Croatian in-law, his children major U of T Alumni Anthony & Catherine Lacavera); Edwards would have been all over them.
  • Looks like David Edwards is related to Lacavera in marriage (cousin), as they have a Mary Ramella Edwards in their family.
  • Platform for Experimental Psychology (John Cunningham) - How did Cunninghams get so powerful? Dianne Cunningham Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Minister Responsible for Women's Issues (also help secure Brock's 22.6 Million Lifespan building in which I was the centerpiece); she was sleeping with a powerful conservative politician. 
  • Nancy Johnston's scamming husband was a psychiatrist and in charge of the psych ward; his fraud wife Nancy was a "Dr." of PSY at Brock (Simon worked for her as a student) - The psych ward provided ability to bypass courts (legal rights) and just throw me in there at will.
  • Mother received over 250 K in gifts / cash by agreeing to allow / implement experimental psychology (sold me); if I became a liability threat, research group would lock me up with a fabricated charge (accusers identities protected by Privacy laws), escorted by the NRP Police to psych ward.
  • Mother also received Welfare rental payments and disability tax deductions as part of the ongoing compensation.
  • I left my mother's at 15 to go and live with my father (6 doors down from Simon Williams); I realized at 12 that she was mentally ill (+Jehovah sister who my mother is her only friend) -  WWII wasn't kind to her as she still has a bit of shrapnel in her leg and back of her head from German bombing, when she was a child (Easily exploited by the Edwards).

It's surprising how many childless bitches (+partner), are involved in this research scandal: 

You can now add the crooked / secret judge's daughter (Alphonse Lacavera Ontario Court of Justice), Catherine Lacavera to the childless bitches club; she's a decorated U of T grad & works at IP legal / theft Google (Gayle Bigelow's niece lawyer IP); plus new Judge Leanne Standryk.

Gayle Bigelow (+partner), Janice Van Kampen (+partner), Marcia Cunningham (+partner), Wendy Cukier (?), Jennifer Stoddart (?), Katharine Somogyvari Baylis, Heather Chalmers (?), and the one (+brother) who outed my living conditions (to be named), to the Cunningham family for research purposes.

Note that Gayle Bigelow's brother Winston also childless (married divorcee w/ kids); their lower socioeconomic parents must have done a real number on these two, that's why she went into psychiatry; Cunninghams targeted her appropriately. Gayle also incorporated herself in 2007 (Brock Lifespan building opens), with the huge influx of cash into Brock University. Expect Gayle's niece to join this club very soon.

Marcia Cunningham had her own daddy issues with his alcoholism, and likely Janice got messed up somewhere along the way too, as her reviews RateMDs; she was incredibly condescending to the patients in the psych ward, listening to her.

I was locked up in maximum security psych ward for 72 hours (Janice Van Kampen psychiatrist), after I discovered Gayle Bigelow's brother living behind us 2017 (I tweeted before the NRP cops came to escort me to hospital). It's partially documented in the Janice Van Kampen post; more to follow. Mother / sister fully cooperated (as usual); last summer they were going to lock me up again, after I discovered the Disability Credit in my Electronic Tax file (proved illegal POA); details to follow. 

childless bitches

Brian Jepson, the Privacy Officer in charge of delaying and lying to me regarding my privacy case, also lives with his partner (another childless bitch). This is all "silly old" Nancy Johnston's doing; I mentioned in 2009 how so many married couples were at Brock (Edwards, Tardif-Williams, Danes, Brock president / wife, and couple others). 

Take note of this couple for further explanation: "Dr. Charles Cutrara (Italian / Irish heart surgeon) & his PhD Nursing wife Karin Page-Cutrara (she works w/ original BrockU research group Jennifer McPhee at York University). Charles sister DJ Kelly Cutrara came to "work" in St. Catharines starting April 2002 (spring / summer weekends DJ / Pt. Dalhousie), a few months after my "schizo" diagnosis in the hospital ER room (September 2001); more to come. 

Note that my family doctor was not involved in the diagnosis (liability issues).

Gayle Bigelow (+partner), Janice Van Kampen (+partner), Marcia Cunningham (+partner), Wendy Cukier (?), Jennifer Stoddart (?), Katharine Somogyvari Baylis, Heather Chalmers

Nancy likely thought it would be "cute" to recruit childless bitches (+partners), in this research scandal (added security with group bonding / Marcia Cunningham). Nancy enjoyed being surrounded by male psychologists, and married professionals (husband psychiatrist); reflected her imagined power and status (fraud). 

FYI: Marcia Cunningham created documentaries for TVO; her "partner" studied screenplays. Perfect combo if you were to package this research scandal and sell it. 

Bono (frequent visitor TIFF), is directly connected to Edwards (Brett) & Kelly Cutrara (2001). Coincidently, when I outed him on Twitter on Easter Weekend, he was secretly in Montreal rehearsing for their world tour. Bono also had his daughter in a movie produced by a U of T grad's first production in Toronto; more to come.

Edwards owns the illegal POA, and therefore the movie rights (millions); 

Note that Joe Maggiolo's relatives in Guelph (where Cunninghams reside), is Jennie Maggiolo - Reg Nurse - Guelph General Hospital.

The danger to myself, has not only been resolving this research scandal in real time w/ research group, but the money already allocated to the individuals. How much has been embezzled from BrockU? How much did Edwards mortgage his law firm, and how much of an advance in movie rights was already wired? Not a good situation for myself (Judge Lacavera and his kids have millions to roll this scam).

Maggiolo, Baylis / Somogyvari, Panettea (Root), Cutrara, Lightstone / Markiewicz, Atkinson, Nicholson, Stoddart, (Cukier already paid off w/ bribe?), Dane, Segalowitz, Tom Rankin,

Joe's Maggiolo Son / NRP Cop Rick
Joe's Maggiolo Son / NRP Cop Rick

Not only did I find the proof of the illegal POA (disability tax credit), but I also found out how they hid it from me, to prevent legal correspondence with mail (avoid another Privacy challenge like 2001). 

Joe Maggiolo's relatives in Guelph (where Cunninghams reside), is Jennie Maggiolo - Reg Nurse - Guelph General Hospital
Bono (frequent visitor TIFF), is directly connected to Edwards (Brett) & Cutrara (2001)

Not only did I find the proof of the illegal POA (disability tax credit), but I also found out how they hid it from me

This is how they hid it from me:

 Jehovah Sister altered mailing address, so I would never get a copy of the DTC form:
NRP Drug / Surveillance Unit

For those wondering what the NRP Drug / Surveillance Unit has to do with all of this: 

In 2003 we were upgraded to a newer home (new cars, ++).

"What if" the house was equipped with the most recent / updated NRP surveillance equipment? Would allow Brock University researchers to have the ability to record and listen in 7 / 24 (+all internet activity); for "research" purposes & implement 12 Step Program / Play Therapy / CBT.

Part of the "research" was to simulate "schizo" symptoms, so if I said anything, it confirmed the diagnosis; clever no? How would that be accomplished? It's very simple, with just the basics that I have mentioned (POA / Court Order / NRP Surveillance / BrockU unlimited resources / family & friends & neighbors). If I had access to the legal system, this scam would have been over years ago!


Remember that "surveillance" can be a symptom of "schizo" 

September 2001 was the very first time I was escorted to the hospital (NRP Police). I got very upset, as I realized I was drugged (anti-psychotic drug in Brita water pitcher), that makes you dizzy if you moved around quickly. Mother quickly called the police (pre- planned).

I requested blood tests; they took 3 extra samples from me for no reason (middle night), and never gave me the results.

This episode was related to my previous call to the Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons, as I wanted to file a complaint. The CPSO president was Dr. Graeme Cunningham.

Graeme Cunningham was peddling 12 Step Program videos on Ebay for addictions, which was recently studied; only ~ 5% success rate for this scam. No one knew this, so they could do anything in this research / intervention, and just blame me from any failure. The 5% success were likely very old men, with chronic health issues (alcohol); closer to death.

If I allowed this scam to go on and played with it (pretend success), the amount of money and recognition that the Cunninghams / Johnstons would have received, would have been enormous; perfect scam.

Nancy Johnston and Dr. Graeme Cunningham are both frauds; just like their specialties (Play Therapy / 12 Step Program). Add in the PSY profession CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), and you have your trifecta of deceit! 


Remember that "drugged" can be a symptom of "schizo" 
off-site collaboration, financed by Brock illegally, as funds were diverted Jack Lightstone & his wife

It was an "off-site" collaboration, financed by Brock illegally, as funds were diverted (Jack Lightstone & his wife). In exchange, the research was all fed back into Brock PSY Dept (Nancy Johnston / Christine Tardif-Williams / Monique Somma / Dorthy Markiewicz). Andrew Dane was the offical medium for Brock's students, as he mimicked my situation in teaching; Gambling Disorders, Lifespan Studies, Bullying (threats / intimidation = NRP Police).

This following image is Andrew Dane working with Simon Williams / Christine Tardif-Willaims, in the Spring of 2001; same time Edwards received the POA from my mother. This allowed them to conduct Live research on myself, while I lived out of my car during the next 6 months  (Apr - Sept = Brock Faculty on summer vacation). 

NRP Police were using us for surveillance training Micheal Pataran

Hence: Brock University Embezzlement and Research Laundering

Likely NRP Police were using us for surveillance training
(Micheal Pataran's hastily deleted profile / police college instructor)

Brock University Embezzlement and Research Laundering

Bartering also used to compensate participants utilizing the vast resources of Brock University

(Jobs = Simon, Christine, Somma, Skrtich Living residence, …) 


This is the "Ultimate" Lifespan Studies!

The catch is that if you tell anyone, it re-enforces the "Schizo" diagnosis. Clever no?

That's why I had to wait until I had proof of the illegal POA, and this is the reason Brock University (Edwards), have tried to destroy my life (they did). 

Lets just say the house & cars (+250K cash / gifts) wasn't "Free".

illegal POA, and this is the reason Brock University (Edwards)
Edwards couldn't believe he found a woman crazy / stupid enough to sell her son;

"Meet my mother ...."


Diagnosis used for this scam was very likely "Cognitive Distortion", that they used in the secret court hearing.

When I told Simon (student UofT Phd Toronto), that I was living out of my car / gambling related in a 5 minute telephone conversation, he was disgusted (lol); said I was suffering from cognitive distortion.

Cognitive distortion was mentioned in the post of Simon & Christine; likely another reason that it was blocked. They also realized that no matter what they had done (allegations / theft), they would not be reprimanded, because of this illegal research. 

cognitive distortion gambling Homewood Health Dr. Graeme Cunningham was pushing it at Homewood Health

Dr. Graeme Cunningham was pushing it at Homewood Health, while he was working there. Reality is it can't be proven, so it's great for scamming research funds; kinda like "Psychology Witchcraft". The Cunninghams were awarded the unaudited Gambling Research Agency in 2000, and John Cunningham removed a personal 500K grant, after I posted about in my Medicine Gone Bad blog.

How did an alcoholic doctor get to become President of the CPSO, and gifted an unaudited research agency in his own backyard (Guelph)? Only clue was former London politician Dianne Cunningham; she was sleeping with a powerful Conservative leader. If they are related ...

Dr. Graeme Cunningham was pushing it at Homewood Health Dr. Graeme Cunningham is living proof 12 Step program is a scam like himself Addiction is an illness not a moral weakness.”
Dr. Graeme Cunningham is living proof 12 Step program is a scam like himself

Nancy Johnston and Dr. Graeme Cunningham are both frauds

  • Nancy Johnston, this pathetic old woman, was desperate for recognition (she pawned off her psychiatrist husband's stature)
  • She had a preferance for male psychologists (ironic isn't it?), as Simon played her well.
OHIP Scammer Ronald Johnston Died 2016

  • She had tried to have her book "Play Healing for tomorrow" published, but was rejected (using alternative vs psychotherapy on our family)
Nancy Johnston, this pathetic old woman, was desperate for recognition (she pawned off her psychiatrist husband's stature)
Nancy Johnston Showing Off her Collection Wooden Plaques

  • Nancy moved from her home (by BrockU - Marsdale Dr.), to a retirement home after 2016 (Heatherwood - Scott St.); 2 miles from us

Nancy Johnston, this old foolish woman, was desperate for recognition (she pawned off her psychiatrist husband's stature). She had tried to have her book "Play Healing for tomorrow"

Play Therapy is for children, since they can be easily manipulated (limited cognitive abilities). Play Therapy was also another potential answer for the psychology profession, which can't prescribe medication, and are therefore omitted from the lucrative OHIP billing.

Another way at looking at Play Therapy, is like a marriage where the husband / wife never discuss their problems; play "pretend" everything is perfect. Children can be utilized in this setting, as they have the similar cognitive abilities as cats / dogs. Children covered with their parents insurance plans, are a much sought after commodity.

Psychology profession is made up of 80% young women, who had no idea / direction as a career (alternative to math / sciences / trades dominated by males); troubled males make up the remaining 20%, capitalizing on the endless hours at their local bookstore, in the self-help section.

Psychology has always been a bird course; an alternate book reading program. Yet it's misrepresentation of the term "Dr.", still has it's limits for financial opportunities. Hence "PSY profession always re-inventing itself".

Take note that Rob Nicholson is from Scottish heritage (like Cunninghams / Johnstons), and his wife is Italian (like NRP Joe Maggiolo / MPP Chris Bittle). Rob's brother-in-law is a doctor - Dr. JOHN PAUL MURPHY CPSO#: 64530

Chris Bittle's New Zealand wife Dr. Charlene Lyn Stirling CPSO#: 104953

Chris Bittle's New Zealand wife Dr. Charlene Lyn Stirling CPSO#: 104953, is also a doctor (pediatrician). More about Chris soon ...


4 families that provided a "Firewall" of protection:

(whenever I tried to out the scandal publicly) 

Dujlovic Simon Williams & Christine Tardif-Williams Somma Skrtich Family


Dujlovic Family
  • Fat / slob cousin Ed was fired as Civil Engineer for City of Niagara Falls (Edwards took care of him afterwards $$$)
  • His recovering alcoholic father "preyed" upon our family after our parents divorce (Ivan died of alcohol-related liver complications); phony middle class family. 
  • It was reason that I went to stay with my father at 15 years old; 6 doors down from Simon Williams.
  • Edwards / Niagara Falls Rob Nicholson & Joe Maggiolo / Bruce Scott all went through the Dujlovic family to manipulate / control us
  • Ed's mother Barbara would easily bully my mother, and would accompany her when Edwards needed them to convince anyone (asking questions regarding scandal)
  • Barbara's family doctor was Dr. Teodorini, who was my doctor; he worked once a week at the same hospital w/ Ronald Johnston
  • Barbara had a nurse living beside her, and a male psychologist / social worker behind her (Bruce Scott = Major player); they found him having a breakdown in his car / crying in the driveway over a client; his wife / sister-in-law both teachers; in-law scooped up a Jr. hockey player as her husband (1/2 her age) at a Falcons hockey game, and they lived couple miles of Edwards / Baylis new homes; and then there is Carolyn their adopted daughter who I dated …
  • There are a lot more connections to the Dujlovic / Edwards …
Ed Dujlovic was fired as Civil Engineer for City of Niagara Falls__________________________________________

Simon Williams & Christine Tardif-Williams 
  • Known Simon since he was 15; Brock took GREAT care of them $$$
  • Simon knew that he was in good with Christine (12 years difference), after he found out that she had been dating an almost 40 year-old (36), while she was 18 (likely her manager when she worked at a bar; which was legal then).
  • He was untreated for sexual abuse (+ sexual abuse allegations), when Brock / McMaster were referring children to him (was Bankruptcy Discharged)
  • Simon was working for Nancy Johnston while he was living with Christine; they both ripped her off a clinical analysis diskette in her desk, and charged her for hours weekly without doing the work
  • Nancy's husband Ronald (oversaw the psych ward), diagnosed me with "schizo" in the hospital ER room
  • Needless to say, Simon was the star for Edwards / Brock.
  • Simon & Christine enrolled their daughter Simone into a private school, only blocks from us (Wheatley School), while living in Niagara Falls)
Simon & Christine enrolled their daughter Simone into a private school, only blocks from us (Wheatley School)

Somma Family
  • Moved us beside them in 2003 (Brock taking care of them too $$$)
  • Monique had moved in with Robert prior to us moving in, and she had Christine Tardif-Williams as tech advisor
  • Monique has children books written called "What About Owen?" on, which should be boycotted (using children as a front like Shaun Baylis (CEO Pathstone / Simon Williams CBT children / Nancy Johnston)
  • Robert started to work at a bank (+Bank Manager) in Niagara Falls (Fall 2001 same time as my schizo diagnosis), and then later at a Credit Union w/ Ed Dujlovic's sister Mary Ann
  • My nephew also works w/ his brother-in-law at Ford
  • Robert was concerned for liability reasons; he should be
  • More on the Somma family ...

Monique has children books written called "What About Owen?" on


Skrtich Family 
  • Mother's cousins haven't seen 1988
  • Claim to have a "Schizo" in the family, and moved to Thorold from Oakville (some time after my schizo diagnosis)
  • They were handsomely rewarded, as they opened up "Skrtich Living" for Brock residences $$$
  • They provide "family genetics" which is invaluable for the Edwards
  • Steven is the supposed "schizo" as I was told
  • Paul the oldest brother is very successful; senior vice president at Odyssey Reinsurance Company & elected official The Town of Easton Board of Finance, CT, USA
  • He would be coveted by the Edwards
  • Their mother Milka (Millie - worked for an MPP in Oakville), dropped by once 5 years ago
  • Michael the other fat slob, is the main focal point (receiving David Edwards inside info / advice through Ed Dujlovic), as they bought up downtown Thorold, and monopolized BrockU residences $$$
  • Dujlovic's daughter Jennifer, works in his office
  • Michael is also co-owner of The Niagara River Lions / lives million dollar home in NOTL; done well
  • Michael stated in a article that he opened up a company in 2007 (Lifespan Building opens), but his company is only dated from 2010 (can't find partners online)
Michael Skrtich are live at @RiverLions to talk #Thorold - Student Housing


Note that my sister asked Ed & Simon for help when I was living out of my car; Ed said "You gotta do, what you gotta do", and Simon offered her to have me "locked up" (Johnston psych ward connections / points scored); sister declined.

Brock / Cunninghams came with promises of a lot of money, for experimental therapy

Things changed when Brock / Cunninghams came with promises of a lot of money, for experimental therapy.

My sister will deny this, since she started to clean at Barbara's in 2007 (Lifespan Building opens $$$). They worked on her really good (child manipulation at it's best - Brock PSY).


There is a lot more to add ...
main reason Edwards created "Rankin Cancer Run" in 2004

Note: This was main reason Edwards created "Rankin Cancer Run" in 2004

(Doctor interaction / liability protection)

Which made my situation almost impossible.

(Rankin SUV painted by Pontello family (own Manor Cleaners). I got Marcello's cousin Pete McMaster a job at the Toronto Star (hopper); he stayed with me for a month in Toronto (rented bedroom), and then he crashed his car / quit.

There is a lot more with Marcello. The Edwards would have been all over the Pontello family because of their business establishment.)

(I met Marcello / Pete (brother Dennis), through Andy Rempel; friend I used to hang out with during my high school  / college years. I introduced him to Simon Wiliams; he rented a room in Simon's townhouse (I met Christine there), and later bought it from him (+brother lived Ottawa), while he was bankruptcy discharged. Simon said (proudly), Christine Tardif-Williams would get disgusted hearing Andy's girlfriend "moan" at night ; Christine is from Welland; sure Christine.

Simon and Andy both came to my father's funeral; they were broke and hungry as their stomachs were growling. I explained that this was the "viewing" and food would be served at the funeral; they both laughed. We gave them extra leftovers after the funeral dinner. Simon didn't invite me for his father's funeral; he was always ashamed of him, since he was 15 and his father was around ~65.

Am I surprised that Simon served me up for research? Yes, but not shocked. You would never fully trust Simon because of a few incidents; low class trash.)

Congratulations to Wendy Cukier & Research Laundering Brock University

Rankin SUV painted by Pontello family (own Manor Cleaners)

After I dedicated a post to Wendy ("Congratulations to Wendy Cukier & Research Laundering Brock University"), she took a secret payoff to keep her big fat mouth shut, regarding the research scandal. She basically blackmailed Brock in threatening to disclose the scandal, unless they paid her off.

Wendy ("Congratulations to Wendy Cukier & Research Laundering Brock University")

Wendy ("Congratulations to Wendy Cukier & Research Laundering Brock University")

**** September 15th 2020 ****

Ex Brock University President David Atkinson was the man who signed off on the illegal research (Worth MILLIONS).

Research based on conducting 12 Step Recovery program (living out of my car / gambling), without identifying the source or funding (Brock University based). In exchange, research / movie rights used to recoup expenses (profits); "Anything goes intervention" required six major elements:

1 - Family consent (bought / paid for)

2 - Police Support / Surveillance (Brock Campus Security / NRP Police collaboration)

3 - Diagnosis Mental Health Disorder ("Schizo" by Brock spouse running hospital Psych Ward)

4 - Unaudited / confidential research funds (Brock University)

5 - Privacy Laws protect source / funding (Privacy Commissioner)

6 - Financial windfall in selling movie rights

#BlacklistBrockU @LifespanStudies Twitter Account
Prostatitis @Epididymitis_ Main Twitter Account
Original 2009 Blog "Medicine Gone Bad"


What's the more interesting question?

1- Why would ACTIVE NRP Police Narcs be employed in Brock University Security, or any university?

2- Why would the Federal Government block the medical records of a "Schizo"? 

Better yet, when they closed my case file, the Privacy Office did not provide me with any info on "who" or "why" my file was blocked; no new info was made available, in the heavily redacted and pages missing documents.

Here is the "Medicine Gone Bad" blog post dealing with the Privacy Office: 

Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart refused to deal with my unique case, as I endured endless obstruction and even documented intimidation from the NRP Police.

Brock University Embezzlement and Research Laundering


The Brock Campus Security department employed an active police officer. Niagara Regional Police Constable Michael Pataran earned 125 K income in 2017 (Sunshine List), and annually 50-80 K a year from Brock Campus Security since 2007.

Ex-NR Police officers from surveillance unit employed as well.

Additional funding from research funds that were embezzled from Brock University, are unknown because of the Privacy Laws  

Constant / instantaneous / transparent access between Brock University and the NRP Police would be possible; critical in Lifespan Studies and CBT / Anything Goes Intervention that acted as liability protection as well.


Ex-NRP Chief Donna Moody & NRP Sgt Joe Maggiolo in Donna's family obituary:

Ex-NRP Chief Donna Moody & NRP Sgt Joe Maggiolo in Donna's family obituary:

Surveillance would have been done within proximity of our new "home"; upgraded to an area catered to Brock University:
  • Beside 4 Brock students
  • Across Edwards family employment (Laura Secord High School)
  • Behind Hamilton Psychiatrist brother
  • Behind NRP police officer relatives (Church / school janitor)
  • Italian partners whose daughter is a secretary to two Hamilton Doctors
  • Between Somogyvari family homes close by 

In 2004 (slow-walked since 2001), my Privacy Commissioner case was closed without identifying the source of obstruction, or any related funding. Note that Dr. Graeme Cunningham was the President of the Ontario College of Physicians at that time CPSO 1998 -2004.

Dr. Graeme Cunningham was the President of the Ontario College of Physicians at that time CPSO 1998 -2004

2004 the Edwards went to work:

1 - David L. Edwards signed up for the Public Police Commission, which was the Public Police Watchdog (obvious joke).

2 - Mary Ann Edwards started her own cancer charity from home (breaking away from CIBC). This was also the year that Dr. Graeme Cunningham ended his CPSO term.

Significance of this "charity" was that almost all the funds went to the hospital, where I would be placed in the psych ward, when I became a liability concern; convenient! 

  • Edwards donated millions (5-8) through their Rankin Run Cancer "Charity"
  • Ex-NRP Police Sgt Joe Maggiolo was CEO Hospital Charity Foundation
  • CEO Pathstone Mental Health Shaun Baylis was former Outpatients Addictions of the Niagara Hospital System NHS (former CEO Cason supervising Lisa Root / Panetta)

As you can see with these individuals mentioned above, I had no chance when placed in the hospital psych ward; Liability protection "Primo".

This blog contains the posts of numerous individuals, that may / may not, or are involved in the research aspect (associated with main players / family / Live Research while living out of my car / Persons of Interest). This is in case this Lifespan Research needs to be reverse engineered for any reason (lawsuits, Government inquiry, embezzlement charges, police bribery charges,  ...).

Additional details to follow.

Brock University Embezzlement and Research Laundering

Blog Being Updated ►December 15th 2018


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