Psychiatrist Dr. Janice Van Kampen McMaster University, St. Catharines Ontario

Psychiatrist Dr. Janice Van Kampen McMaster University

Quick Update January 26th, 2024: 
I included NRP interactions / posts as to highlight Edwards use of them in this research scandal:

 NRP 🚔Police Drug Unit Joe Maggiolo 🇮🇹 Charge of •Surveillance •Vetting Police Chiefs •ALL Police Interaction (+Fabricated Reports) For David Edwards (BrockU)

Major Player ►Janice studied under McMaster Dr. Graeme Cunningham, and works with his son Charles. She also works with Dr. Gayle BIGELOW in McMaster Behavioral Sciences faculty.

Need to Know Psychiatrist Dr. Janice Van Kampen McMaster University:

To top it off, she replaced / worked with Psychiatrist Ronald Johnston (spouse Brock University prof), who diagnosed me with "Schizo" in the ER walk-in clinic. 

Needless to say, Janice is a MAJOR player:

Needless to say, McMaster Dr. Gayle BIGELOW is a MAJOR player.

 Discovery of McMaster Dr. Graeme Cunningham direct connection, has him concerned:

Aproximately 3 hours after this post, I am in the NHS Hospital Psych Ward Admissions:
Dr. Janice Van Kampen took over the psychiatry role vacated by Dr. Ronald Johnston:

McMaster Cunninghams & Brock Johnstons go back a long way:
Psychiatrist Dr. Janice Van Kampen McMaster University,


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